Friday, February 25, 2011


   I read on a thread in a forum one time that he went to church, read his Bible, but he just didn't sweat the details. As I was raised to believe, and later it was confirmed, the Devil is in the details. Not sweating the details is not believing and not being interested in knowing the truth.  It's just plain lazy to just ride along. One has to remember that you are doing the driving in this life through Free Will.

  Imagine for a moment if you will not sweating the details in heading across country, where would you end up? The word lost comes to mind. By not sweating the details you would miss turns, red lights, and you would probably get involved in accidents that could lead to death. So you should sweat the details. You should care enough to want to know the details. You should check the details.

   I hear people say that the Bible is 100% accurate and to that I have to ask which Bible they are reading? I believe that the Bible is God's road map to navigate through this life to get to the destination, but then again, it's been written by men, all of them have. There are places where one can go scripture by scripture to compare and find what errors are there, and there are errors in translation.

   Now add that to the people who think they know what God meant to say, and you have trouble. Read that one again and then remember, God didn't write footnotes, He knew well and fully what He meant to say. Now again we add yet another detail, the ones who use scripture out of context. Some of these people do this by accident, some intentionally for fame. It really doesn't matter which they do it for, thing is, all are inspired knowingly or unknowingly by Satan himself.

   I think we could all agree that Satanist and Luciferians both will head to the antichrist when he comes, but who else? What will be the majority of people that will fall? Those who "don't sweat the detail". That would be the "Christian Right" and the "Christian Left", Jesus was neither in my honest opinion. He opposed the sides as He created a middle path. So, if you are from either side then you must take out the word Christian from either one.

  Let me give you an example of the changes in the Bible, let's use the word Satan. The King James Version has 49 mentions of him. New American Standard Bible 50, NIV has 47, and the New KJV has 54. This name is an important name and taken out of context it is blasphemy. I have not looked up to see which is correct but for the most part the KJV in the past seems more likely closer. One cannot battle what one does not know. This is definitely on my list of research and when I'm done it will be posted, but probably not on this blog.

   Just like anything in life you do, sweat the details. Perhaps that is why this is in the Bible it warns of being deceived. I heard a preacher on the radio say that preachers should not correct another preacher. That they should have respect and share a professional courtesy. Stop for one moment and think about how much of a gate that leaves open. If you truly love God then you will love Him enough to learn the truth and the details and double check what is right. This goes against what we are taught these days as Satan would have us just become complacent and accept what we are spoon fed. The world will not accept or admire you for that. I'm sure there is a drug to help you digest the junk they are feeding you. Ultimately though, God gives us all Free Will and at the same time tells us that He was not well accepted either.

  Salvation is in the details. God is in the details. Jesus is in the details. I think since I'm just sitting here, I'll write another quickie that will tie in with this one.

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