I know sometimes I probably sound like a nut, or a person with weird views, who knows, maybe I am. :) I often hold back and wonder what to say when I talk to people and here as well. Sometimes I come off a little grumpy and somethings a little spacey. When I write things though I write from my experiences, I ain't exactly a model person.
I know there are some that have a Near Death Experience and come out with all kinds of knowledge, and I think we all come out knowing more than we did before the event. The one thing I guess I came out with was more questions and the knowledge of knowing that I needed a whole lot more knowledge. I can't seem to get enough. The more I learn the more questions I have. I'm still trying to figure that one out. I drive my family nuts at times, wanting to share what I leaned, and sometimes then correct later or adjust, and occasionally add. I've learned to tell Denise a little, then Megan, Misty, mom... all different parts. I do that until I either get that shut up look (that would be word from Denise, lol), the look of fear, or the are you completely nuts look. I always have the evidence to support what I just learned, but getting them to look at it is, well, impossible.
One of the few things I'm sure of is that there is a real God and He loves us. I see that from lack of real information, that is, complete information, I fell from faith. Then again, I'm just not one that could be satisfied with the answers of that's just the way it is, or the Bible says it but doesn't explain it, etc... I want, no, I need to know why. Oh now stuff like the 10 Commandments is pretty self explanatory, but so much is left with holes. So I have this insatiable need to fill the holes. If they can't be filled then I just simply place that info on a shelf.
Within the last few years, about six months after the NDE I started researching stuff. It started with health issues which went deeper and deeper until I got submerged. I spent many years just on conspiracies, the word itself is associated with nuts these days yet it has been sold to us like that. This word is as old as mankind and had very much meaning at one time. In the Bible, just to give an example, the word is mentioned 10 times, conspire 19. It simply means two or more people are planning or plotting something, usually against one or more people. It happens all the time. Some conspiracy theories are completely nuts, but many aren't. Thing is, without the proper footing one can fall into a load a traps. It can become a maze within a maze and one can become lost easily.
I've looked at a lot, now if I could just remember it all, lol. Lately though I have been looking at some of the weirdest stuff I have ever seen. I've had to take a ton of breaks in doing so. I bear in mind that what I read in history that history is written by the victors. One man's hero becomes another man's villain. But what about when history is not changed so mush as limited by the information told? Certain important truths are held back and when they are not know we are destined to repeat them. Or as it was better put, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana.
Certainly on of the quotes I ran across made a huge impact on me, and I haven't forgotten it, "Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future." — George Orwell. Still another quote from the past applies still today, "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."--Adolph Hitler. There are so many more quotes I have ran across over the years. And I guess this is my quote, "Knowledge is what you learn. Wisdom is wht you get right after you needed it." Anthony Kimbrough, (I get to put my name there):)
By all means though, not everybody functions this way. Some are quite content with what they are told. I seriously doubt that I will write on this blog, if indeed I ever get it all together enough to transfer what I am learning, most people would dismiss or freak out. Then again I'm torn between putting it up and not. If I do I have another website that I'll put it on. I really want to keep this one positive. Then I see junk like this, http://goldring.wetpaint.com and I want to place up the info. So let me tell you about this.
I haven't played it nor will I. This is not good. When you see things like this folks it ain't a game that you want to play. Especially if you see things like "Ascended Masters", Planetary whatever, higher self, guides, spirits that lead you, etc. On this site it quotes Alice Bailey. She is a follower of Madam Blavatsky. So who is that you might wonder. Think Anton LeVey (founder of the church of Satan) Think Hitler and his Eugenetics program. Yep that one was also known as the Holocaust. Think Alister Crowley who wished to be known as 666 and "the Beast". (sorry about talking about your dad Barbara Bush, his words not mine).
If one looks at the terminology it looks good. A lot like Christianity. Do not be fooled, it is not. Here is the thing. It really don't matter if someone believes in Satan, devil, Lucifer, Baal, (pick a name)... he believes in you. He has some friends that would like for you to join them. Here is the thing though. No demon can just come right in, they must be invited. If you look at that website you will see that you must accept their invitation. If they confront you, and you have faith, you can call the name of Jesus to your aide. I don't know all the details on that though and I would refer you to either Russ Dizdar or Tom Horn I know that it may sound crazy to some people reading this but this is not a game and the details are pretty scary. So scary that Megan picked up a book I had just bought, thinking that it was a horror type book. She has always watched horror movies, read horror books, and has never been bothered by any of them as far as being afraid. Anyway, she read maybe 20 pages of this book, expecting thrills. It scared her so bad that the next day, when she finally woke up, she was still scared. She had been awake until 5am and then when she fell asleep she had nightmares! It has been almost a week and she isn't fascinated with any of the horror shows, books, even the Twilight shows.
I am going to have to stop, but I will continue this a bit later....
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