Saturday, December 22, 2012


  I spoke with a lady a while back who said I had power, which I corrected her. People sometimes feel powerful or attribute power to others. Today I ran across a man I once knew, he thinks himself a step above and though he does have power, it is not his own. His step above theory is flawed as well. Life is full of powerful people and the definition of power each person has defines who is powerful and who is weak.

  All power is granted from above or below, call it good and evil, God or the Devil. Thing is, all power is subject to God, so all power is fleeting and limited, save His. We are rather powerful though as we have the power to choose, and the power to do what we will with that power. Even then people have a hard time dealing with that power, history is full of people who abused power and the Bible has loads of cases. Some read the Bible and see hate and anger in the Old Testament while others read and see where man has some serious flaws, which a loving God corrects. He even sent His Son to show by example since people couldn't seem to get it right and form a bridge to God and human. We are still not quite there yet, actually we seem to be digressing, as a whole.

 So that nobody thinks I'm pointing them out this will be referred to as me talking about me. I have no power over you nor you me other than that which we allow. Even those who think they are powerful are not, actually many that think they are are actually weak, but allow me to demonstrate. I have the power to cut a tree, burn the tree for wood, yet I haven't the power to make the tree. I have the ability to till the ground, plant a seed, water the area. Yet I have no power to make the seed nor make it germinate. If it is dead then it is dead. I have the power to take life and yet I haven't the power to give it back or create it, and I only have what power I am given.

  We are not evolving into gods even on our best day. We are limited to those who are more powerful only because we agree to what they ascribe to be their power. We have the power to do many things, yet the power is not ours and can be retracted at any time. One person or group has no more power than any other person or group, unless the agree to it, and then it can be undone. True power cannot be undone, but power granted can be taken back. One person or group is not better than the other and in fact feeling superior only shows that they are abusing the power they are granted. Real power does not come from physical strength or birth rite, nor deeds enacted to glorify one's self. Indeed, pride goeth before a fall, for our actions may make us work to be better, in truth, we all started from the same beginning.

  Power used purposely comes not from the man who holds his head above the rest but rather one that walks with his head bowed down in humility. It boils down to anybody can be served but only powerful people can serve another. The weak can hate, war, and be vengeful but the truly powerful love, are peaceful, and forgive. In that we are all weak and strong in areas, both found and found lacking. It is the truly powerful person that sees their own weakness and rather than pride looking down on others instead looks inside at self, to work on the areas they are themselves weak in. God grants us the power but using Free Will allows us to choose who we use that power to serve. At times I teeter totter, dipping back and forth, and He expects we will do that but work on proper footing in the future, if allow future to do so. For those times though we step on the wrong side He sent us Grace, which isn't earned but rather granted through His Son.

  So to answer the lady's statement. I have no more power than her or anybody else. I have only the power granted me from God and those who give me their power. I have the power to resist, question, and improve upon me, the same as everybody else. To some Christians I look like a sinner and to some sinner I look like a Christian. Sometimes my actions are good and sometimes they are bad. I'll never be powerful in the true sense of power, here or in the next life (not reincarnation), and that is a good thing. I hope to be with the One who has the true power, something I do not desire, for I am not meant to be all powerful. We know that power corrupts and total power corrupts totally, history teaches us that and we see examples of power every day that is corrupt. Perhaps that is why God, in His wisdom, reserves that power to Himself, where true power is safe. Light overcomes darkness, but darkness cannot overcome light.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12-21-2012 HELLO

   Hello world... Hopefully you are reading this on the 22nd and welcome to a new age, the age of Aquarius. We just left the age of Pisces, and according to scientists into the dark rift. How they know that I have no idea, but it sounds good, but the point is mute. Thing is, we've been prepped for this moment for a long time. In the 60s by the 5th Dimension, "Age Of Aquarius". . The Mayans along with the Hopi and countless other religions have predicted not the end, but a change, and indeed it will be and already have. I'm not even going into the occult lyrics of the song or the groups name, feel free to look that up yourself. Numbers and names in the song.

  We have, along with other countries, the power Nicola Tesla once said, to split the earth in half. It will not happen though. That by no means does not mean that disasters will increase both in frequency and strength, they will. Before I go any further let me say that when I say "They" from here on in, or "TPTB" (The Powers That Be), if you can see a face in the news or highlights, it is not them, that is just the lap dogs. I could write a book on how much information has been given us on who "they" are over the years by leaders and powerful people. "They" are not alien, noble bloodlines, or actual different species, though they claim to be. "They" eat and breathe and bleed like we do, so they are nothing more than human.

   Now to turn heads both Christian and otherwise. There is a preacher that has done his job well on the "rapture", which the actual word does not exist in the Bible. He has made a total ass of himself and thus makes all Christians look bad, but he is correct. There are countless scriptures that say the opposite of a PreTrib caught up, but here is what the word rapture says. (Don't worry, I'm not going to quote them all).   1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. There are scriptures that are often misquoted and taken out of context on the 144 thousand. Read Revelations 7 up unto 10, especially 10. There we see a number that isn't countable standing, 9 "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;"

   It is in this that it is possible for a False Second Coming that could be in the works. We have warning of this,2 Thessalonians 2:
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."  (Yep that would probably be in Israel). Might want to check this link out. LINK

  I'm not saying this will happen but with today's technology it is possible to fake it. I'll cut it short and refer one to Wiki, but there are a lot more including videos on this stuff. , and yes we have the medium, look up at the streaks in the sky, not the contrails but the persistent contrails (chemtrails), which the UN admitted to this past year as one of two Geo Engineering programs they have been running. Imagine how many people would fall for this. 

  Then we have the New Age crowd who want to vibrate to a higher frequency. When this doesn't happen and they are stuck here 12-22-2012, they will want payback. Many have already been informed that if this Conscious Evolution doesn't happen it is the Christian, Islamic, and Judaism people who are holding mankind back. I'm guessing they're gonna want some payback or at least thin down all the "negative vibrations". Hint to the New Age crowd, look at who's teachings are taught, though many vary. They go back to the Occult and there is nothing actually new under the stars. 

  Atheists and Agnostics I have no idea if they will be affected other than it will appear that science actually hit one for a change. Like all beliefs though they vary. Some will be measuring Carbon Footprints while others will stay aware and keep an open mind, while hopefully opening their heart. 

  So I imagine the long and short of it is most will be reading this after 12-21-2012, but in a changed world. From Christian, Hopi, Islamic, and countless other beliefs things will eventually get bad, even reset one day. Hollywood will make a killing. Some writers will become rich. Doomsday naysayers will say they figured the wrong calendar date. Preppers will continue to prep. As for me, I bought some new kinds of seeds for my gardens, kinda mix it up a bit and grow different things. I'm sure that we will have movies on the next date man sets, then we can start the cool movies all over again. For those dissapointed, theres always asteroids and comets to fear. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Somthing is wrong

   Something is and has been wrong, way wrong, with the world today. I look at my email and see a man went crazy and stabbed children at a school in China. Right down from that link and we I see another link, this one in Connecticut. The death toll is higher here than the knife incident that slashed 22 kids and a school worker, but both are terrible. News here and there with scattered excerpts and left out major details. I am reminded of what I read, a quote, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."  Rahm Emanuel 

  We can blame the guns, the knives, the parents, but fixing the problem isn't quite that easy. I'm writing this first part and will attempt to leave out my faith, which most know as Christian. On my website though it will be expanded. So we pull all the guns, maybe even knives... Huston, we still have a problem.

  Most faith and beliefs expand on a Creator or creators, and usually we are created for a purpose. All beliefs I have encountered, (save two), along with no beliefs have morals, codes of ethics for being decent, peaceful people. These days though we seem to more and more have two or more standards in our pocket. Don't believe me, watch people on Black Friday, or for that matter driving in traffic. I'm trying to remain neutral but one part I can't. When I was a kid we were taught that we were all created by a higher being and had a purpose. Now they are taught evolution made a mistake and we have no higher calling, no purpose what-so-ever. Counting Evolution let me change that earlier statement to 3 beliefs, I forgot that one. Evolution is a belief system, a religion if you will. Most religions work using faith in the unseen, and no evidence is there to support it yet. 

  But what else is going on? TV perhaps? How many shows have sex, killings, rapes, thievery, hate, fear, occult... well, just about them all. We list them as Romantic, Comedy, Drama, and Action. We watch shows that show the ones who abide by the rules either "becoming cool" for breaking them, or getting slammed for not breaking them. Those who try and guide or live with some sense of morals and ethics are depicted as bad or stupid. The good guys are usually bad, or do bad on something in the films. They teeter between good and bad, perhaps the least of an evil. People with beliefs are made to look stupid, and people with morals and ethics are the same way. Even the cartoons are evil these days like Angry Bird, Family Guy, etc... It seems that it takes more and more to shock & awe, which is actually a physiological term and method. Bush made it famous when the war started overseas. We watch people in what appears to be soft porn on TV and porn in the movies. Suggestive notions in between sex scenes. Follow this line. Guy likes girl, girl doesn't like guy. Guy follows girl and does things along the way to try and change her mind. Girl resists. Guy persists. Girl gives in. In the real world that is creepy at best, illegal at the least. If that "Romantic" movie does anything it screams that women say no when they mean yes. Nothing to do with romance and everything to do with freaky. Almost all movies have the theme that we are all alone and the best there is of a bad mistake. That we're evolving, some say to be gods while others just say we die. These days most movies will make fun of a loving Creator, and Jesus is all but crucified again. This pops out from even non related scenes and themes.     

  The video games too have devolved into a demonic state. One I saw was Grand Theft Auto, where one car jacks a car after assaulting the driver. I was told you could buy beer, prostitutes, fight, rape, steal... isn't that a low deadbeat thug? Correct me if I'm wrong but the war videos are similar to the ones soldiers train for? And we have another possibility to this one too, control. No Conspiracy Theory on this, the CO Shooter suspect developed the James Holmes, Fusion Fliker Utility Program, and if you have no idea on Fliker, I suggest you Google it. It creates an illusion like LSD does on normal people... and we've probably seen on not so regular. Even though if no other encoding was implanted, video games role play and kill.

  Add to that this slogan of "what about me" , or Nike's "Just Do It" , McDonalds' "YOU deserve a break today". In school they start preparing their layout and plan in the 6th or 7th grade here. Zero Tolerance... which is zero plan. It has truly become the "Me" days. They get out in life and hit everything. I love the one where when you die you will become a god almost as much as the recycled for another round. I don't understand or agree with those concepts, but the have a code of ethics and moral conduct usually. And the dress and bling, what is up with that? Skulls? Leaning Crosses? Blackbirds? Compete, conform, or be left out... that is the message.  

  We have indeed made a thing of death and occult symbols out there. Not that I'm picking on Walmart but a walk through the kid's clothing section is like a walk through the damned. The adult section wasn't much better. It was almost impossible to find clothes without some skull, etc on it. Motorcycle gear and accessories are no different either.It isn't just there but most all the stores we went in to. Books for sale in the book section, check those out, children and adults alike, The adults have what would have been called porn 20 years ago, now they are romance. And if they are not that, they are occult themed. We call them horror and suspense these days. There are them the other ones and some are OK. Our heroes are now cold hearted killers who they have with one maybe two close people in their life. In reality they sometimes don't have that. The more evil or advanced the foe the more evil and cold the hero can be. 

  There is yet another thing... food and water. This man was Autistic, " Lanza, who friends and officials said suffered from Asperger’s syndrome or a personality disorder, had a tortured mind.

  I know from having a grandchild and researching that food and whatever he drinks, if he does, affects him servilely. There are loads of data that can be found to support that Vaccines caused it and drugs. Just a new released info today showed that Russia, China, or the most of the EU didn't want our meat... said it was poison. Actually mots of our food has been due to GM/GE, and now BT. I know school officials here that actually are still dumb enough to believe that Fluoride in the water is for fighting against cavities. They have no idea it is deadly ingested over time. I told one to read the toothpaste and swallowing it. A lot of ready mix Gluten_Free store bought has Aluminum in it. If you are using non stick it gives off a not noticed vapor and also whatever You cook in leaches in you food.
  They get on the web and games, gossip, and worse of all, weird religions I think conjured up to make the guru a lot of money, while confusing the masses. I won't call his name but a good friend himself saying he has been learning to be a Shawman for 20 years with a Shawman. He hasn't spoken to me since but I told him I know from reading and watching interviews that there wasn't a Shawman School, nor did they teach Shawmanism, it had to be learned and requires many years isolation in the wilderness. I know where he lives and has been the last 20 plus years. Thing is, would Joe Public know he is lying? Probably not. And how much advice does he give... Living with his mother, I seriously doubt it is advice that is creditable. I had a chat with a lady and she was very unpleasant. In a return call she apologize and said she needed to meditate. I told her no, she needed to pray.  

  The music these days, and the videos that go along with them. Have you listened to that crap? Sex, sex, drugs, drugs, and rock and roll... and that is the good ones. Try reading the words on some of the music back even to the 60s, the 70s got even worse, and so on. Many of those songs deal in hell and Satan, glorying them. It has become like attached symbol for rock & roll, the hand sign. Extended 1st and last fingers, the rest of the hand in a ball. This is the sign for one of three demons (devils) that lives in Hell. A while back at Sams we heard thumping as we went to put groceries in the car. A young black man sitting in his car waiting had it cranked. The word Nigger seemed to ring out constantly. So as I passed to put the buggy us I asked him if he was a nigger. The hat went straight and he began to rise, "no sir I am not", you could tell he was pissed. "Well, the dude on the radio says you are, and you seem to like it", I said, "Do you wanna be known as a nigger?" "No sir", he looked calmer and puzzled. "Then why are you listening and singing with a singer and song that says you are?" The young man turned it off.  In just one Lyric the song calls ladies a bitch and whore... and him a Nigger. I informed him I think you are, or at least look like, you are a better person than that.

  Our conduct has become deplorable at best, evil at worse. Driving down a busy section of traffic, just watch the others. In the store, look around. Finally... at church. What kind of sermon is going on? Is he reading the Bible without adding him our two cents worth.  If you go out and eat, watch people, watch your waitress or waiter. You stop at a stop reluctantly to get a real drink, maybe a little pot...maybe not get anything accomplish. WE are evil 
   Now comes the hard part, love. We all love our children just as our parents love us, together or separate, we are loved. We want to see it our children better off than we are, maybe a little too much I think. I think though that the events in our life are what define us. The struggles, ups and downs... without them we deign them hope. We've all but relinquished that rite though to the government. The one thing leading to Autism is Vaccinations. Overseas the win cases but here cases are only won when they omit the word Autism. We let them do it too. Most of us have seen hard times and we want for our kids to have it better, but in doing so we harm or create monsters.
  So you can take away the guns... nothing will change except there will know nobody can who stop them. We will probably never hear the whole story on this one, big Phrama, FDA, Wheat, Beef, you have it, will never let the story truth out. If tossing money on education would help we'd be a country of geniuses. I think we can walk through a mall and see that just isn't the case we have these days. For me, I think throw Jesus in the mix, He will straighten times out and people too, except with love. Prayers to the young man's victims, and his family that are left behind and those in China who were victims of the slashing.         

Thursday, December 6, 2012


  This is for a family member, who's name I will not call out. You mentioned a diet and some issues for the diet. Denise is the nurse but most medical people are seldom trained in nutrition and Nutritionists and medical professions are taught at schools where special interest groups support, food, chemical, and drug. Then again, I ain't too keen on the FDA, USDA, or the Organic parts of government either... watch the revolving door between officials and massive corporations. But, to address some of the concerns, I'm putting the basic info up. You can call me to go into detail if you need to do that. I'm not "professionally trained" and God knows my health record sucks, but that is why I looked into this stuff for years. Bear in mind that each one of the corporations have doctors that whore out to them and loads of people who put out false information on TV, web, and radio which leads to people being duped that are in healthcare. This is just a quick surface skim and without the Conspiracy side.

  Diets:  All diets work... for a while. A diet that differs from what you are eating throws the system into a shock for a few months which leads to weight loss usually. As soon as your body adjusts to the diet your weight comes back. As soon as you go off track your weight comes back. That is why you see so many people on different diets lose weight, only to get it back. Also why you see the same actors and actresses being paid. People make big money off that. The way to keep it off is by correcting what is natural in what you eat.   

Sodium: Salt is the first thing comes to mind, and rightly so. Not all salt is salt though. Salt should never be white, if it is white it has been bleached. Salt should be gray or pink... I think there is another color too, but not white. Your body needs salt and at one time salt was like oil, wars were fought over salt. Romans paid people sometimes in salt for labor, this the saying worth his weight in salt came. Real salt is not your enemy. Processed salt has a bad reaction in your body while real salt is used and beneficial not only to your body, but preserving food itself. Moderation though should always be used. We use to do Celtic Sea Salt but with the meltdown in Japan and the oil spill and Corexit in the Gulf, we went with what is called Real Salt. It's a Pink Salt mined right here in the USA.

 Gluten:  Something I had no idea about until Denise mentioned it this year. Wheat Belly is a great book, though I differ in some things he says like the Paleo Diet stuff. I don't know about Barley & Rye but Wheat has been Genetically Modified, or what I call that anyway. I've yet to see acid open up the cells of something naturally and be changed. It is Not the Wheat of the Biblical days. I don't think I'm Celiac but I think my body does much better without Gluten. They have that crap in everything. That could be the reason we see pets with all kinds of human health problems that even humans didn't have often when I was a kid. It seems they have went by the rule these days that if a little is good, a lot must be really good, and we know that isn't right.

  Food:  There is a few tips to go by.

  1 - Food entering into the USA is radiated, as is a lot of California food. Radiation kills the bad germs, but unfortunately the good with it. Think Nuclear bomb scenario. Just like the radiation destroyed the cancer cells, it also damaged everything else, and killed the good cells too. If it isn't from the USA and a Family Farm or small farmer, it is usually radiated. That equates to if it ain't frozen or preserved by you or somebody you know, don't buy or eat it. 

2 -  Organic means squat, in my opinion. You can grow GM/GE food organically. Organic simply means the food was raised with GRAS things. GRAS means Generally Recognized As Safe, and we all know usually whatever the government says is opposite.

 3 - GE/GM Foods. They use names that sound good or old fashion for something they just created. They also use a prototype look or picture if reading a magazine, Tomatoes are an excellent example. A lot of money is spent on showing you food or a certain look. Most Heirloom Tomatoes are not perfect round, red, etc. Years ago yellow corn was considered animal food, white corn people food, now it is reversed. When you change the genetic structure on something you change the nature of it, which changes how it is taken and what is done with it. Don't be fooled by "popular". Eventually it changes whatever eats the material on a genetic level. I just used two examples. Soy is probably the worst as about 99% of it is GM. Stay away from all Soy. Animals, when given a choice, will not eat GM/GE foods. GE/GM foods also need fertilizer and pesticides due to the change and even BT. Run from anything that is BT or Round-Up Ready. I cannot express strong enough, make sure it is real food. 

4 -  Local Family Owned, not like the CO-OP owned. Corporate farms have caught onto this and present themselves as family owned. Then, just what family and how do they operate. In an Almanac we bought this year, 1% of people farm and are operated, the other 99% are factory farms. Know your grower. Also, store bought food can and usually is picked before it ripens and some use a gas to ripen it, most use a chemical to preserve it.

 5 -  The B17 thing. B-17 is contained in seeds, and Apricots seem to get the best publicity, mostly due to the Hunza tribe. No cancer or heart disease, they just forget to mention the water isn't treated (pure) and they eat meat from the game they kill, a delicacy being the contents of the stomach partially digested. Strawberries and wild Blackberries have high B-17 content, but are the highest of pesticides. Never eat more seeds than the fruit you could eat if your eating it.

 6 - Fat. There are good fats and bad fats, animal fat is good... in moderation. Your body knows exactly what to do with good fat.

 7 -  Cholesterol: Anything that says Hydrogenated, partially or whole, don't eat it. It is a chemical process that was first developed as a chemical warfare tool to kill by the Nazis. That one always blows my mind. We cook in crap that was designed to poison.  If you stay away from Hydrogenated foods you will automatically lower your bad Cholesterol and create more good, which your body needs. For men it is needed for sexual things to work. For men and women for the brain to work and artery damage to be repaired. The medicine for that hardens the arteries, and a lot of other bad side effects comes along with it.

8 -  Protein, as in animal protein is good. All animals have about the same fat content when dressed. All meat is acidic, so a healthy limit of no more than 4 ozs was the last data I saw.  Some vegetables has protein in it as well, like beans, just not a complete protein. Meat bought at the store must be treated with a chemical and a bacteria. Meat should be gray in appearance.

 9 -  Liquid,  technically, water is best and without anything added. Once anything is added your body treats it differently. You should drink prior to eating, about 30 minutes, and no sooner than 30 minutes afterward. Nope, I don't do either, but I should. Fluoride is a poison when ingested. Read your tooth paste label. Topically applied Fluoride fights tooth decay, ingested, it has an opposite effect... on everything.

10 - Whole Grains, which we were not meant to eat. Ruminants have multiple stomachs that ferment the food, throw it up, re-chew it, the eat it again. We do that it is called Acid Reflux and can and does cause cancer. Birds were meant to eat whole grains. They don't have a stomach but rather a gizzard. We weren't meant to graze either.

11 - Cooking Food - Use either Cast Iron (Lodge, made in the USA), Stainless Steel, or Porcelain... I'm trying out the Baker's Stone though. No matter what you use, it leaches back into the food. Stay away from "Non Stick" and Aluminum. Cast Iron wise, Lodge is the only one left in the USA.

12 - Read Ingredients. Avoid MSG, which is hard to do since it is hidden by as many as 40 different labels. It has no taste of it's own but enhances the flavor of whatever they put it on. It is an Excitotoxin. Avoid Aluminum, one of the only things capable of crossing the Blood Brain Barrier. HFCS ( High Fructose Corn Syrup), which differs from sugar. Not that sugar is good, but it is better health wise than HFCS, which is digested and stored differently. Modified anything ain't good, unless you are working on a car. Avoid dyes like Yellow #5. Also, if you can't pronounce it you probably should have it in your mouth.

 13 - The food that needs to be cooked, cook it well, like meat. Some vegetables produce excellent health benefits from cooking, like the Tomato, while other lose nutrients. Eat like things at the same time, sort of. That plate we were taught with a variety from each food group is a lie. Your body secretes different enzymes for different things, meats one, fruits one, vegetables one, etc. If you body has a mixture coming it, it doesn't know what to do with it, so it scrambles to digest it, but most of it passes on through.

  14-  Butter : Eat real butter, if you could find it, from unpasteurized milk. Never eat Margarine, which is one chemical away from plastic.

 15 - Eggs, we eat and I bake with a lot of them. I still have a hard time swallowing the "Free Range Egg" think, in reality chickens running loose become an Easter Egg hunt and dinner for predators. Still, they are better than Concentration Chicken Eggs. Farm bought beats store bought.

  16- Sweeteners: Stevia is the best in terms as a sugar, so far as data holds, up there with Honey. Stevia though just don't have an appeal to me, it is an acquired taste I guess. Sugar is your only viable option left. Aspartame is great for ants, kills them in a few days, it is a Neurotoxin, and capable of crossing the Blood Brain Barrier. Sweet Misery is a great flick to learn about this and how a woman cured her disease. Spenda works on the Hypothalamus Gland, shutting it down to not let you know when you've had enough. Notice the fat people buying diet foods?

  17 - Moderation, eat in smaller portion sizes. It will cramp a bit as it shrinks, but slowly you will feel better. Drink some juices prepared at home, like Carrot juice. I hate Carrots but the juice is the bomb.

 18  - Cribbing. In the 40s a study was completed that showed most minerals depleted. When horses are lacking a vitamin they chew on wood, it is called cribbing. Most of us don't crib on wood but snacks, and thus rather than correcting the problem the capitalized on it with the creation of snack food. When your body has enough minerals you don't get hungry as often. When your body lacks something you instinctively was to fix it, so you snack... which can become a hobby. Cribbing sometimes gets helped along with Gluten, which addicts to eat even more. It is easy to literally starve to death with a full tummy. Worst thing is though, disease sets in. When your body has what it needs you will no longer need to snack.

  19 - Limit bread, even if you bake it at home, which is better for you, just not great. 1 slice of Wonder Bread is equal to two tablespoons of sugar in the GI Index. We've switched to Gluten-Free breads, but they are almost as high.

  Super Foods, Like Buckwheat, Millet, Oatmeal, etc... 

  It's late and I've a cold, but I'm probably forgetting something. This is a surface scan, just ask for details.         


Saturday, December 1, 2012


  I think we're all afraid of something, some of many things, and fear has it's uses. When I get on the tractor to bush hog the side of the hill, fear of turning over keeps me from going side to side, so I go up and down with the bush hog lowered on one end and the bucket lowered on the other. So fear has it's place in life, no doubt about that. Fear can be a healthy thing when used in little doses, unhealthy in larger ones. When we fear we hit that fight or flight type mindset. Thats not a bad thing if your about to get eat, mauled, or trampled. But how many times in life does that happen? Ok, a few times maybe these days and times. I remember once when Gatlinburg hosted the Rod Runs being afraid and it came in handy. They started spraying the crowd down with water from a firetruck, I said I wasn't moving. We watched as hundreds of people come running our way to get away from it. Finally fear set in, we were about to get run over with a sea of people, and we ran. Talk about an Orwellian night, that was. It was the seventies and I was young, flipped a helicopter off that kept shinning it's light on us, ran then too. Smarted off to a smart aleck cop who was holding a big dog on the leash... not the smartest thing to do there either. Lucky for me he wasn't a violent cop, him I could outrun but the dog, not so much. Gatlinburg soon quit hosting the rod run but before it did I quit going until it was moved to Pigeon Forge. I don't go anymore there either these days, only from lack of tolerance.

  But these days fear seems to be everywhere and placed and promoted by just about everything you see and read. There is one site that I get updates on, read most of them that contain mostly natural events. The man-made events, it usually gives a neutral report of, and I like that. When TV and Cable news starts doing that perhaps I'll go back to listening to them. When things get quiet though, they set about fear from what ifs and scientist say bull. I don't read them either anymore no matter who produces the fantasy article. There are always a few clear words or phrases that let you know you are about to get BS'd. "We think", "Scientist Say", "What If", "probably", "could happen", "will happen in the near future", "overdue", "about every", "most likely"... there are probably a few I haven't thought of while writing this. There are people who actually move to avoid these future predictions, I saw that when I sold real estate.

  People from the city move to the country, with the assumption of they will be safe from disasters, starvation, system collapse, you name it. People from the flat land move to the mountains, people from the beaches move to the dry or to a totally different country or underground. Move from where you are, where your roots are, where you know how things work? Even whole churches move sometimes for ignorant reasons, like the one about the Bible mentioning heading into the mountains. That might have worked back then... not so much now. Those of us who live next to the mountains, in the foothills so to say, laugh our butt off on that one. The air is thinner, growing season drastically shortened, land too sloped to grow much, jets fly over, satellites can see, pollution is worse, animals to eat will be eaten up, gets bitter cold and worse weather, and there just ain't that many berries (seasonal) to be had there in good times. The best one was when it was told we were going to crash with a rogue planet and they started advertising to come to a place in Arkansas, some kind of caverns, with provisions and money. Supposedly one of the safest places from earthquakes. Later on, people found out is on a major fault line. Think of the idiots that went.

  Now I can say Satan or Those That Rule, same difference, want people to be kept in a constant state of fear and confusion. In that state lions catch their prey and separate the young, old, and foolish... one by one. There are two ways of people catching an animal out of a herd or flock. One is to create fear and confusion and the other is what to use to be called, a Judas Goat. Judas Goat is a term that has went way back, usually a pet goat for a goat farmer, sheep for a Sheppard, and a cow for cattle... you get the picture. It's an animal that gets petted, special care, treats... more so than the others that it becomes a pet. Usually it is followed by the other animals to their capture or death. When calmly walking into the trap the rest follow, except this one (Judas) always gets rewarded and set back free, for the next round. I use this with the cows, goats... anything. But we're talking about fear.

  When we are afraid the fight or flight part of the brain is in charge. It closes or at least diminishes the part of the brain that reasons. Confusion sets in and logic leaves. This method was used in animal catches... and people. I use this one to load the calves in the trailer. There is a lot of this method used in combination of the Judas Goat these days. Some have gotten rich from this, while some play a part in it unknowingly. Personally I think intentionally. Though I'm not a big fan of David Icke, his logic in how this game works is spot on. Problem (real or imagined, intentional or not). Reaction. ( People generally have the same reaction and no more that 3 possibles). Solution. (If contrived, a solution is already waiting). There are sites and groups that I read and visit that this happens all too much. One in particular, monitors everything I respond back with when fear is their tactic. Eventually they will post what I have said, but they wait. They are testing the waters to see just how it goes and what effect something has or will have by the responses.

   Are we in the End Days? I think so, but I may not live to see it, but I will enjoy and think until the end. So the next time you read some major calamity that will cause an ELE (Extinction Level Protocol), stop, step back, discern, and think. If you can avert it by actions then do so and if not, there is nothing you can do. We weren't created for here anyway, and chances are, it is a load of bull to flush you out.