Saturday, December 15, 2012

Somthing is wrong

   Something is and has been wrong, way wrong, with the world today. I look at my email and see a man went crazy and stabbed children at a school in China. Right down from that link and we I see another link, this one in Connecticut. The death toll is higher here than the knife incident that slashed 22 kids and a school worker, but both are terrible. News here and there with scattered excerpts and left out major details. I am reminded of what I read, a quote, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."  Rahm Emanuel 

  We can blame the guns, the knives, the parents, but fixing the problem isn't quite that easy. I'm writing this first part and will attempt to leave out my faith, which most know as Christian. On my website though it will be expanded. So we pull all the guns, maybe even knives... Huston, we still have a problem.

  Most faith and beliefs expand on a Creator or creators, and usually we are created for a purpose. All beliefs I have encountered, (save two), along with no beliefs have morals, codes of ethics for being decent, peaceful people. These days though we seem to more and more have two or more standards in our pocket. Don't believe me, watch people on Black Friday, or for that matter driving in traffic. I'm trying to remain neutral but one part I can't. When I was a kid we were taught that we were all created by a higher being and had a purpose. Now they are taught evolution made a mistake and we have no higher calling, no purpose what-so-ever. Counting Evolution let me change that earlier statement to 3 beliefs, I forgot that one. Evolution is a belief system, a religion if you will. Most religions work using faith in the unseen, and no evidence is there to support it yet. 

  But what else is going on? TV perhaps? How many shows have sex, killings, rapes, thievery, hate, fear, occult... well, just about them all. We list them as Romantic, Comedy, Drama, and Action. We watch shows that show the ones who abide by the rules either "becoming cool" for breaking them, or getting slammed for not breaking them. Those who try and guide or live with some sense of morals and ethics are depicted as bad or stupid. The good guys are usually bad, or do bad on something in the films. They teeter between good and bad, perhaps the least of an evil. People with beliefs are made to look stupid, and people with morals and ethics are the same way. Even the cartoons are evil these days like Angry Bird, Family Guy, etc... It seems that it takes more and more to shock & awe, which is actually a physiological term and method. Bush made it famous when the war started overseas. We watch people in what appears to be soft porn on TV and porn in the movies. Suggestive notions in between sex scenes. Follow this line. Guy likes girl, girl doesn't like guy. Guy follows girl and does things along the way to try and change her mind. Girl resists. Guy persists. Girl gives in. In the real world that is creepy at best, illegal at the least. If that "Romantic" movie does anything it screams that women say no when they mean yes. Nothing to do with romance and everything to do with freaky. Almost all movies have the theme that we are all alone and the best there is of a bad mistake. That we're evolving, some say to be gods while others just say we die. These days most movies will make fun of a loving Creator, and Jesus is all but crucified again. This pops out from even non related scenes and themes.     

  The video games too have devolved into a demonic state. One I saw was Grand Theft Auto, where one car jacks a car after assaulting the driver. I was told you could buy beer, prostitutes, fight, rape, steal... isn't that a low deadbeat thug? Correct me if I'm wrong but the war videos are similar to the ones soldiers train for? And we have another possibility to this one too, control. No Conspiracy Theory on this, the CO Shooter suspect developed the James Holmes, Fusion Fliker Utility Program, and if you have no idea on Fliker, I suggest you Google it. It creates an illusion like LSD does on normal people... and we've probably seen on not so regular. Even though if no other encoding was implanted, video games role play and kill.

  Add to that this slogan of "what about me" , or Nike's "Just Do It" , McDonalds' "YOU deserve a break today". In school they start preparing their layout and plan in the 6th or 7th grade here. Zero Tolerance... which is zero plan. It has truly become the "Me" days. They get out in life and hit everything. I love the one where when you die you will become a god almost as much as the recycled for another round. I don't understand or agree with those concepts, but the have a code of ethics and moral conduct usually. And the dress and bling, what is up with that? Skulls? Leaning Crosses? Blackbirds? Compete, conform, or be left out... that is the message.  

  We have indeed made a thing of death and occult symbols out there. Not that I'm picking on Walmart but a walk through the kid's clothing section is like a walk through the damned. The adult section wasn't much better. It was almost impossible to find clothes without some skull, etc on it. Motorcycle gear and accessories are no different either.It isn't just there but most all the stores we went in to. Books for sale in the book section, check those out, children and adults alike, The adults have what would have been called porn 20 years ago, now they are romance. And if they are not that, they are occult themed. We call them horror and suspense these days. There are them the other ones and some are OK. Our heroes are now cold hearted killers who they have with one maybe two close people in their life. In reality they sometimes don't have that. The more evil or advanced the foe the more evil and cold the hero can be. 

  There is yet another thing... food and water. This man was Autistic, " Lanza, who friends and officials said suffered from Asperger’s syndrome or a personality disorder, had a tortured mind.

  I know from having a grandchild and researching that food and whatever he drinks, if he does, affects him servilely. There are loads of data that can be found to support that Vaccines caused it and drugs. Just a new released info today showed that Russia, China, or the most of the EU didn't want our meat... said it was poison. Actually mots of our food has been due to GM/GE, and now BT. I know school officials here that actually are still dumb enough to believe that Fluoride in the water is for fighting against cavities. They have no idea it is deadly ingested over time. I told one to read the toothpaste and swallowing it. A lot of ready mix Gluten_Free store bought has Aluminum in it. If you are using non stick it gives off a not noticed vapor and also whatever You cook in leaches in you food.
  They get on the web and games, gossip, and worse of all, weird religions I think conjured up to make the guru a lot of money, while confusing the masses. I won't call his name but a good friend himself saying he has been learning to be a Shawman for 20 years with a Shawman. He hasn't spoken to me since but I told him I know from reading and watching interviews that there wasn't a Shawman School, nor did they teach Shawmanism, it had to be learned and requires many years isolation in the wilderness. I know where he lives and has been the last 20 plus years. Thing is, would Joe Public know he is lying? Probably not. And how much advice does he give... Living with his mother, I seriously doubt it is advice that is creditable. I had a chat with a lady and she was very unpleasant. In a return call she apologize and said she needed to meditate. I told her no, she needed to pray.  

  The music these days, and the videos that go along with them. Have you listened to that crap? Sex, sex, drugs, drugs, and rock and roll... and that is the good ones. Try reading the words on some of the music back even to the 60s, the 70s got even worse, and so on. Many of those songs deal in hell and Satan, glorying them. It has become like attached symbol for rock & roll, the hand sign. Extended 1st and last fingers, the rest of the hand in a ball. This is the sign for one of three demons (devils) that lives in Hell. A while back at Sams we heard thumping as we went to put groceries in the car. A young black man sitting in his car waiting had it cranked. The word Nigger seemed to ring out constantly. So as I passed to put the buggy us I asked him if he was a nigger. The hat went straight and he began to rise, "no sir I am not", you could tell he was pissed. "Well, the dude on the radio says you are, and you seem to like it", I said, "Do you wanna be known as a nigger?" "No sir", he looked calmer and puzzled. "Then why are you listening and singing with a singer and song that says you are?" The young man turned it off.  In just one Lyric the song calls ladies a bitch and whore... and him a Nigger. I informed him I think you are, or at least look like, you are a better person than that.

  Our conduct has become deplorable at best, evil at worse. Driving down a busy section of traffic, just watch the others. In the store, look around. Finally... at church. What kind of sermon is going on? Is he reading the Bible without adding him our two cents worth.  If you go out and eat, watch people, watch your waitress or waiter. You stop at a stop reluctantly to get a real drink, maybe a little pot...maybe not get anything accomplish. WE are evil 
   Now comes the hard part, love. We all love our children just as our parents love us, together or separate, we are loved. We want to see it our children better off than we are, maybe a little too much I think. I think though that the events in our life are what define us. The struggles, ups and downs... without them we deign them hope. We've all but relinquished that rite though to the government. The one thing leading to Autism is Vaccinations. Overseas the win cases but here cases are only won when they omit the word Autism. We let them do it too. Most of us have seen hard times and we want for our kids to have it better, but in doing so we harm or create monsters.
  So you can take away the guns... nothing will change except there will know nobody can who stop them. We will probably never hear the whole story on this one, big Phrama, FDA, Wheat, Beef, you have it, will never let the story truth out. If tossing money on education would help we'd be a country of geniuses. I think we can walk through a mall and see that just isn't the case we have these days. For me, I think throw Jesus in the mix, He will straighten times out and people too, except with love. Prayers to the young man's victims, and his family that are left behind and those in China who were victims of the slashing.         

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