I think we're all afraid of something, some of many things, and fear has it's uses. When I get on the tractor to bush hog the side of the hill, fear of turning over keeps me from going side to side, so I go up and down with the bush hog lowered on one end and the bucket lowered on the other. So fear has it's place in life, no doubt about that. Fear can be a healthy thing when used in little doses, unhealthy in larger ones. When we fear we hit that fight or flight type mindset. Thats not a bad thing if your about to get eat, mauled, or trampled. But how many times in life does that happen? Ok, a few times maybe these days and times. I remember once when Gatlinburg hosted the Rod Runs being afraid and it came in handy. They started spraying the crowd down with water from a firetruck, I said I wasn't moving. We watched as hundreds of people come running our way to get away from it. Finally fear set in, we were about to get run over with a sea of people, and we ran. Talk about an Orwellian night, that was. It was the seventies and I was young, flipped a helicopter off that kept shinning it's light on us, ran then too. Smarted off to a smart aleck cop who was holding a big dog on the leash... not the smartest thing to do there either. Lucky for me he wasn't a violent cop, him I could outrun but the dog, not so much. Gatlinburg soon quit hosting the rod run but before it did I quit going until it was moved to Pigeon Forge. I don't go anymore there either these days, only from lack of tolerance.
But these days fear seems to be everywhere and placed and promoted by just about everything you see and read. There is one site that I get updates on, read most of them that contain mostly natural events. The man-made events, it usually gives a neutral report of, and I like that. When TV and Cable news starts doing that perhaps I'll go back to listening to them. When things get quiet though, they set about fear from what ifs and scientist say bull. I don't read them either anymore no matter who produces the fantasy article. There are always a few clear words or phrases that let you know you are about to get BS'd. "We think", "Scientist Say", "What If", "probably", "could happen", "will happen in the near future", "overdue", "about every", "most likely"... there are probably a few I haven't thought of while writing this. There are people who actually move to avoid these future predictions, I saw that when I sold real estate.
People from the city move to the country, with the assumption of they will be safe from disasters, starvation, system collapse, you name it. People from the flat land move to the mountains, people from the beaches move to the dry or to a totally different country or underground. Move from where you are, where your roots are, where you know how things work? Even whole churches move sometimes for ignorant reasons, like the one about the Bible mentioning heading into the mountains. That might have worked back then... not so much now. Those of us who live next to the mountains, in the foothills so to say, laugh our butt off on that one. The air is thinner, growing season drastically shortened, land too sloped to grow much, jets fly over, satellites can see, pollution is worse, animals to eat will be eaten up, gets bitter cold and worse weather, and there just ain't that many berries (seasonal) to be had there in good times. The best one was when it was told we were going to crash with a rogue planet and they started advertising to come to a place in Arkansas, some kind of caverns, with provisions and money. Supposedly one of the safest places from earthquakes. Later on, people found out is on a major fault line. Think of the idiots that went.
Now I can say Satan or Those That Rule, same difference, want people to be kept in a constant state of fear and confusion. In that state lions catch their prey and separate the young, old, and foolish... one by one. There are two ways of people catching an animal out of a herd or flock. One is to create fear and confusion and the other is what to use to be called, a Judas Goat. Judas Goat is a term that has went way back, usually a pet goat for a goat farmer, sheep for a Sheppard, and a cow for cattle... you get the picture. It's an animal that gets petted, special care, treats... more so than the others that it becomes a pet. Usually it is followed by the other animals to their capture or death. When calmly walking into the trap the rest follow, except this one (Judas) always gets rewarded and set back free, for the next round. I use this with the cows, goats... anything. But we're talking about fear.
When we are afraid the fight or flight part of the brain is in charge. It closes or at least diminishes the part of the brain that reasons. Confusion sets in and logic leaves. This method was used in animal catches... and people. I use this one to load the calves in the trailer. There is a lot of this method used in combination of the Judas Goat these days. Some have gotten rich from this, while some play a part in it unknowingly. Personally I think intentionally. Though I'm not a big fan of David Icke, his logic in how this game works is spot on. Problem (real or imagined, intentional or not). Reaction. ( People generally have the same reaction and no more that 3 possibles). Solution. (If contrived, a solution is already waiting). There are sites and groups that I read and visit that this happens all too much. One in particular, monitors everything I respond back with when fear is their tactic. Eventually they will post what I have said, but they wait. They are testing the waters to see just how it goes and what effect something has or will have by the responses.
Are we in the End Days? I think so, but I may not live to see it, but I will enjoy and think until the end. So the next time you read some major calamity that will cause an ELE (Extinction Level Protocol), stop, step back, discern, and think. If you can avert it by actions then do so and if not, there is nothing you can do. We weren't created for here anyway, and chances are, it is a load of bull to flush you out.
But these days fear seems to be everywhere and placed and promoted by just about everything you see and read. There is one site that I get updates on, read most of them that contain mostly natural events. The man-made events, it usually gives a neutral report of, and I like that. When TV and Cable news starts doing that perhaps I'll go back to listening to them. When things get quiet though, they set about fear from what ifs and scientist say bull. I don't read them either anymore no matter who produces the fantasy article. There are always a few clear words or phrases that let you know you are about to get BS'd. "We think", "Scientist Say", "What If", "probably", "could happen", "will happen in the near future", "overdue", "about every", "most likely"... there are probably a few I haven't thought of while writing this. There are people who actually move to avoid these future predictions, I saw that when I sold real estate.
People from the city move to the country, with the assumption of they will be safe from disasters, starvation, system collapse, you name it. People from the flat land move to the mountains, people from the beaches move to the dry or to a totally different country or underground. Move from where you are, where your roots are, where you know how things work? Even whole churches move sometimes for ignorant reasons, like the one about the Bible mentioning heading into the mountains. That might have worked back then... not so much now. Those of us who live next to the mountains, in the foothills so to say, laugh our butt off on that one. The air is thinner, growing season drastically shortened, land too sloped to grow much, jets fly over, satellites can see, pollution is worse, animals to eat will be eaten up, gets bitter cold and worse weather, and there just ain't that many berries (seasonal) to be had there in good times. The best one was when it was told we were going to crash with a rogue planet and they started advertising to come to a place in Arkansas, some kind of caverns, with provisions and money. Supposedly one of the safest places from earthquakes. Later on, people found out is on a major fault line. Think of the idiots that went.
Now I can say Satan or Those That Rule, same difference, want people to be kept in a constant state of fear and confusion. In that state lions catch their prey and separate the young, old, and foolish... one by one. There are two ways of people catching an animal out of a herd or flock. One is to create fear and confusion and the other is what to use to be called, a Judas Goat. Judas Goat is a term that has went way back, usually a pet goat for a goat farmer, sheep for a Sheppard, and a cow for cattle... you get the picture. It's an animal that gets petted, special care, treats... more so than the others that it becomes a pet. Usually it is followed by the other animals to their capture or death. When calmly walking into the trap the rest follow, except this one (Judas) always gets rewarded and set back free, for the next round. I use this with the cows, goats... anything. But we're talking about fear.
When we are afraid the fight or flight part of the brain is in charge. It closes or at least diminishes the part of the brain that reasons. Confusion sets in and logic leaves. This method was used in animal catches... and people. I use this one to load the calves in the trailer. There is a lot of this method used in combination of the Judas Goat these days. Some have gotten rich from this, while some play a part in it unknowingly. Personally I think intentionally. Though I'm not a big fan of David Icke, his logic in how this game works is spot on. Problem (real or imagined, intentional or not). Reaction. ( People generally have the same reaction and no more that 3 possibles). Solution. (If contrived, a solution is already waiting). There are sites and groups that I read and visit that this happens all too much. One in particular, monitors everything I respond back with when fear is their tactic. Eventually they will post what I have said, but they wait. They are testing the waters to see just how it goes and what effect something has or will have by the responses.
Are we in the End Days? I think so, but I may not live to see it, but I will enjoy and think until the end. So the next time you read some major calamity that will cause an ELE (Extinction Level Protocol), stop, step back, discern, and think. If you can avert it by actions then do so and if not, there is nothing you can do. We weren't created for here anyway, and chances are, it is a load of bull to flush you out.
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