Saturday, December 22, 2012


  I spoke with a lady a while back who said I had power, which I corrected her. People sometimes feel powerful or attribute power to others. Today I ran across a man I once knew, he thinks himself a step above and though he does have power, it is not his own. His step above theory is flawed as well. Life is full of powerful people and the definition of power each person has defines who is powerful and who is weak.

  All power is granted from above or below, call it good and evil, God or the Devil. Thing is, all power is subject to God, so all power is fleeting and limited, save His. We are rather powerful though as we have the power to choose, and the power to do what we will with that power. Even then people have a hard time dealing with that power, history is full of people who abused power and the Bible has loads of cases. Some read the Bible and see hate and anger in the Old Testament while others read and see where man has some serious flaws, which a loving God corrects. He even sent His Son to show by example since people couldn't seem to get it right and form a bridge to God and human. We are still not quite there yet, actually we seem to be digressing, as a whole.

 So that nobody thinks I'm pointing them out this will be referred to as me talking about me. I have no power over you nor you me other than that which we allow. Even those who think they are powerful are not, actually many that think they are are actually weak, but allow me to demonstrate. I have the power to cut a tree, burn the tree for wood, yet I haven't the power to make the tree. I have the ability to till the ground, plant a seed, water the area. Yet I have no power to make the seed nor make it germinate. If it is dead then it is dead. I have the power to take life and yet I haven't the power to give it back or create it, and I only have what power I am given.

  We are not evolving into gods even on our best day. We are limited to those who are more powerful only because we agree to what they ascribe to be their power. We have the power to do many things, yet the power is not ours and can be retracted at any time. One person or group has no more power than any other person or group, unless the agree to it, and then it can be undone. True power cannot be undone, but power granted can be taken back. One person or group is not better than the other and in fact feeling superior only shows that they are abusing the power they are granted. Real power does not come from physical strength or birth rite, nor deeds enacted to glorify one's self. Indeed, pride goeth before a fall, for our actions may make us work to be better, in truth, we all started from the same beginning.

  Power used purposely comes not from the man who holds his head above the rest but rather one that walks with his head bowed down in humility. It boils down to anybody can be served but only powerful people can serve another. The weak can hate, war, and be vengeful but the truly powerful love, are peaceful, and forgive. In that we are all weak and strong in areas, both found and found lacking. It is the truly powerful person that sees their own weakness and rather than pride looking down on others instead looks inside at self, to work on the areas they are themselves weak in. God grants us the power but using Free Will allows us to choose who we use that power to serve. At times I teeter totter, dipping back and forth, and He expects we will do that but work on proper footing in the future, if allow future to do so. For those times though we step on the wrong side He sent us Grace, which isn't earned but rather granted through His Son.

  So to answer the lady's statement. I have no more power than her or anybody else. I have only the power granted me from God and those who give me their power. I have the power to resist, question, and improve upon me, the same as everybody else. To some Christians I look like a sinner and to some sinner I look like a Christian. Sometimes my actions are good and sometimes they are bad. I'll never be powerful in the true sense of power, here or in the next life (not reincarnation), and that is a good thing. I hope to be with the One who has the true power, something I do not desire, for I am not meant to be all powerful. We know that power corrupts and total power corrupts totally, history teaches us that and we see examples of power every day that is corrupt. Perhaps that is why God, in His wisdom, reserves that power to Himself, where true power is safe. Light overcomes darkness, but darkness cannot overcome light.

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