Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Why Rant

  So another rant, but this one some will completely enjoy, some will not, and others will be freaked out. I had several who thought I'd go into conspiracies when I first started this blog, and sometimes you can see that in some of what I write, but I have another board for stuff like that. Over 5 thousand people seem to have found it despite the small like on one website I have and no links from pretty much anything else I do go to it. I'm Christian in faith, just not religious. I will say though that finally Christians get on board little by little researching facts, thank God for that.

  So why don't I do here what I do there? Its simple, there are so many positive things to bring out, talk about, plus one very dark reason as well. As a Christian, more people know what we're against than what we're for. People need to wake up on that and see how many people are left behind not from Jesus' words, but from our attitude. We tend to forget that we are not the judges, that is Jesus' job, and He even judged lightly. Most religions follow a person or persons where we are suppose to only follow one, and He ain't walking around in a physical body that we know of. If He was we'd probably mob Him because He don't look at people, things, and events as we do. Think we'd be different, I doubt it. Jesus would be laughed at, made look a fool, beaten, and while we don't hang people on Trees no more, we'd probably make an exception. He probably wouldn't be politically correct and rather than just be hated by Judaism, Christianity would too, as a whole. So I usually use this board for similar to the lighter side, but every now and then, that side burns dim. Just for the record though, the word Conspire is in the Bible 19 times and Conspiracy is there 10, so it isn't a bad word.

  Now for the darker reason. For most of my 52 so far years I lived in a fantasy land, no different than most who read this stuff. I spend very little time actually musing of anything important, but at the time I thought myself a critical thinker. The meaning of Muse is Think. If you put an A in front of a word it means the opposite to the original word. From that we have amusement parks and sometimes being amused isn't a bad thing, staying that way is. I'm one of those people who couldn't seem to find a happy medium, and sometimes I still have a hard time doing that. I'm 52 now, heart attack, pernicious anemia, COPD, Lymes Disease left some things wrong, 2 cancers, one of which is incurable. I made much of my bed and now I'm laying in it and the part I didn't make I allowed. I'll probably not see 62 and not too sure I want to, but that is up to God and not me. Through all this I learned to live for today and for others first. Like most I plan, I dream, and I want and wish, but I learned to be aware. So those who say something has to get you like I did I give you a quote from an old Indian Chief, "It's easy to be brave from a distance."

  The dark side is not that I know my own mortality, which some say they do but few really do. Its not that I will not be here a long time, though that remains God's choice of when and how. It is that most seem to not care, I wonder sometimes if they really even stop to think. This world and this life does not belong to us and we're not handing down nothing to our children, rather we borrowed it from them. Most Facebook notifications I get are to play a game, which isn't always a bad thing, everybody needs some kind of amusement, but when they stay amused, nothing good can happen. Church these days seems for amusement, but ever so often they get OCD, which is not good either. There are days when I think why should I give a shit when those who will be living here don't. They go from TV to Web to Games, smarter ones occasionally pick up a dime store novel. There are those that read blogs and live life, mixed with some amusement, they find a healthy mixture.  

  A lot of Christian and Islamic followers notice the end of days, and I do too. They say well it is written and it is, but note there isn't a date. Some say it is God's will, but here is a challenge. Show me one passage that says God is doing it. Maybe that is part of Free Will, to allow us to chose to allow the few to screw things up, harm and kill, rape and plunder, lie, and cheat, then attack the very ground God created and set to destroy it. God allowing is not the same thing as God doing it. I guarantee the evil ones or bad (it's just semantics) are not amused, they're musing. The stupid ones are musing, on how to profit by this, not having a clue that they are next in line on the chopping block. Both of those religions talk about Jesus coming back, before man can destroy the world. Thing is, just how much Hell are you willing to try and survive in?

  The newest commercial for Verizon shows objects floating around one and says they serve you. Nike has just do it as a slogan, McDonalds you deserve a break today. AT&T shows people spying and keeping up with the latest gossip. It all is where you are god, or me, that we are served. We are the most important person in our lives. The "me generation" in charge. I like the ones that say Freedom, which we have. We have freedom of choice or color or style, just don't notice the same corporation owns all it's competitors, the magazines and TV stations they advertise on. Don't believe me, Google it. The world have been temporarily broke into 10 sectors which will be cut to 4 and then to 1. There will still be choices, just not as many of them, and some choices will be eliminated, like religion. They have that covered too. So I think sometimes why should I say a word when those who should say something don't care enough to notice. After my NDE I can tell you of the wonders of God, while you are still allowed to hear, but in truth, this must be done too. I just do it on a board designed to learn on. Without going into detail, that is what this rant was about. I've spent way too much time today on the web, so I go now to do something real. To the Winnebago  Man, I completely understand.             



  1. I absolutly agree with you here Anthony if you dont mind send me the link to your other website you mentioned I love to see it.

  2. I just now saw this. I'm sending this to your email.
