Sunday, May 13, 2012

Judging the Little Things in Life

   My oldest daughter and I were talking today about her school assignment and that went into judging, which makes sense since she will have a teaching degree. She talked and associated the topic with judging and today at church, though we didn't go, the topic was a negative topic with loads of judging and the latest of Obama approving Gai Marriage. I might add an explanation to the spelling. Gay is not homosexual, that means happy. Gai is the correct term for men in women's roles in Shakespearean theater times and why Lesbians cannot be Gai. Or, as a friend who is into word origin once told me, queer (more on that later). I think from there the sermon went everywhere. I must admit that I really didn't miss nothing and last week I really wasn't too good with it either which led to that post before this one. I could have almost went on another one when I rented a video that the preview is for a film based on a book by a popular TV Preacher... but I'm going on another subject now.

  I think we all judge, it seems to be only natural except when we're young. Judging can be, like anything else, healthy or unhealthy, depends on how you use it and what basis you are going by. All religions and no religion has a measure of judgement, so it boils down to on what, when, who, and where. When someone murders in cold blood or goes on a killing spree, you might want to not be alone with him or her. A barking, growling dog with the hair standing up on it's spine, you don't want to pet that animal. A bad lightening storm says to get off the water or quit playing golf and seek shelter. I'm sure that one can think of a million other scenarios where judgement or lack of therein makes sense.

  Now for the part where religious people get slightly perturbed and stop and later on non religious people will probably stop, but it's all good. Angel is a term and not a class of beings. The real meaning of the word angel is messenger. People can be angels or messengers, be that good, bad, or indifferent. Certain beings are sometimes used by God to convey messages that are not human. I'm not sure if we bring sadness or laughter in Heaven, maybe both, by arguing over words. But we will go with Angel being a being from God to this world instead of it's true meaning. Angels we're told have have Free Will just as humans do and are never asked to judge. If they do they aren't in the favor of God and thus we have Fallen Angels and Satan, doing the opposite of the will of the Father. You know, maybe that just might be the reason Angels fly, because they take themselves lighter by not being the judge.

  We all set bars in which a line of perfection is formed, some religious and some from religious even when a religious conviction is not believed. Note that religious dogma nor blood lineage plays no part in what the baseline is formed upon. Feel free to substitute spiritual in that if it makes you feel better. Thing is, do you measure up to what you measure others by? I know I don't so I'd rather focus on what I do or don't do than others, but that always don't work, so I work on that part. From here on in I'm speaking as what my perception of Christianity is, which in no way means I'm right by any account, but I'm learning. I could care less what someone "feels" it means or "interprets" the Bible to mean or what they "think" it says. I go by what it actually says and mostly in the New Testament part, not that I do it all. It isn't the baseline for someone else. It isn't the baseline for who my friends are or how to select them. It is suppose to be a baseline for the reader and follower, if they decide to follow and if not it is a great baseline anyway.

   Now if I follow that baseline I will set an example, but not because I'm trying to set an example and not because I'm earning anything or expecting anything in return. It definitely can't be to fit into anybody's favor nor pleasure or being accepted. It has to be the bar for you to measure you, and I so often find myself way short. I'd like to say that one would find those measures in a church, but one by one they fall away, seduced into their own righteous. Churches are like hospitals. Churches are built for the sinner rather than the saint and hospitals are built for the sick not the well. Not all, but by and large, each day they are lost. One can though, if they don't get lost in the forest, find trees from which to find the baseline by reading slowly the books. It don't hurt to read the Old Testament and other historical accounts of history of the whole world. I'm lazy and would rather leaned by the past mistakes than keep on bumping my head.

   Even at this though, life is short and passes by fast. No rules and it can go quicker, too many rules and it passes by quicker only we miss the whole human experience. It is a coin tossed into the air where one sees heads and the other sees tails, but it is still the same coin and it will most certainly fall back to the lowest solid point that sustains it's weight. Some focus on just that one side they first see while others can see both sides as it flips and tosses back down. Those that do see the simplicity and beauty of the substance it is made from. When I look at someone I see the outward appearance then I look to what is on the inside and then the whole complete person. Note that some beautiful people will become ugly and some ugly people will become beautiful and some just level off. No matter what, I've yet to find someone that I do not learn and grow from.

  So back to the paragraph that I typed the word queer. That come from a life long friend in whom I have a great deal of respect for. This guy has the heart of a Lion, yet is a gentle as a Lamb. Because of growing up together he is like family and I don't really understand his lifestyle choice, but he probably don't understand mine either. Our parents were friends and we grew up as friends and because of his good heart and patience with me I learned, as he is all who know him. In his words he is queer. In my words we all are queer, only in different ways, and that makes life so much more enjoyable, keeps it from getting boring. The lifestyle he has is wrong in the Bible, so is coveting, envy, being prideful, lying, judging, hating, drunk, adultery, tattoos, shaving the head, gluttony, interest on loans, murder, and there are some more. So if you can see one of those categories you fit in, they are all equal, none of those are worse. The worse ones are blasphemy, and telling someone they are useless or a fool. If you cannot find at least one of these your guilty of then ask family or a friend. If they say your clean then you must be perfect and not human.     

  So we can embrace the differences that each share or we can focus on them. Some like long hair, some short. Some like tattoos, some don't. Some like fat and some like thin... and the list is endless. At the end of the day though we have to ask ourselves if we display a good light on what we say we believe. Most beliefs that I've ran across, and some that believe in nothing, share a common thing. Christianity is the one that I've came across that shouts it. Life is meant to grow inside. Learn love, truth, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, and belief. It really doesn't matter if it was Jesus when He walked or Paul through the resurrected Jesus. So is this or that wrong? Yes or no, no maybes. But if you are busy pointing out the other people doing wrong ask yourself. Do you want to be judged like that? That isn't a question, but rather a fact. Personally, I'm going to beg for mercy and grace. Here is something to think about. If we are all judged by what we do, then what we do to another, does that not count?           

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