In the world on Conspiracies there is just level after level, it is just so easy to get lost. There are deceptions and then there are deceptions of deceptions, even levels of that. Then there are deceptions and diversions that are placed with no malice intended. There are some people that do wrong things for right reasons and some that do wrong things for right reasons.
I guess part of what I'm saying is that the truth will suffice for the truth, but often times how and why it is hidden isn't always in black and white. Sometimes it is gray, not that the truth is ever gray or left open to interpretation, but the presentation of it is. This leaves many of us with the saying I have used for years and still holds true today. The more I know the more I know that I don't know.
When you hear or see someone who has unlocked all the mysteries and found the truth in all subjects... run, run away from them. There are some that focus on just one thing and some that broaden out into many areas, but nobody that I know of knows it all. It's just not possible. Think Tanks (Google that term) are and were made to made sure we don't.
Must gets lost in translation these days, which is funny since one would think that English is understood by all English speaking people. Just like Fallen Angels, demons, devils, evil spirits, aliens (in many Christian circles) are all just ways of saying the same thing in many cases. There are those who fight over the name of Jesus and which should be used, or the day of the week that the Sabbath is on.
Then there is the New Age movement that uses words like vibrational, resonate, frequency... and so on. I heard, and for a while, stopped listening to a great preacher because he was opposed to the word Light when NDErs explain what they had experienced. True, he should have looked a bit deeper, but also true, I should have been so so judgmental. Thing is I guess is that we all need to know that the same words can be used and abused by both sides.
I think it is very important to know why one believes as one does and the truth behind that belief. Then can one actually make an educated choice of what to do. Having said that, I also believe that God knows what is in a man's heart. It is by also knowing the truth that we can be deceived, or, as I tell my kids. I'll tell you the truth and then what you need to know to pass the test in school. We cannot know the truth without knowing the lie these days.
And lies are not just lies, but more often than not, up to 90% truth and 10% lie. Another one to run from are those who say the truth is subjective. If we look at truth as light, think of it this way. You can always reduce and even defeat the darkness with light, but you can never dim the light with darkness, it only gets brighter in appearance. Well, that is truth, but we add another factor in, distance.
A generation (to my understanding) is about 70 years in the Bible. The modern day Jews of Israel say 40 years, but we're not Jewish, so I'll stick to 70. Now we are looking at at least 2011 years at best, older on some cannons. But again, now I digress. Anyway, point being, that we have adopted and changed many, many things that we believe and do and say over these many generations. Maybe one reason we're taught change is good? We'll, that depends on who's good it enhances. Point being, that light is harder to see from the distance.
There is no shortage of material these days on about any matter one wishes to read about or listen to. With this comes so many opinions, so many, and we all know what they say about opinions. Some wish to enlighten you while others wish to keep you in the dark. Then there are others that keep one in the dark without doing it intentionally. There are those too that are there as what I call gatekeepers. They will lead you most if not all the way to the gate, then stop you short of passing through it.
Some get hooked on terms. Words are important and perhaps why we have seen so much effort on the part of those that rule to dumb down society, but like anything else can be taken to the extreme. There are groups that dare anybody to call God (which is actually a title) anything but what they call Him. That's all well and fine except different languages have different pronunciations and as long as you aren't mixing the names of God and gods, it's a mute point to me. Since He created it all, I think He knows His names, note the plural.
I think I have researched and studied about all the Conspiracy Theories out there and most of the ones I've settled with I would label as Agendas. People do conspire against one another and in spite of what the Truther type that you see main stream the loudest, there are those of us that have remained or converted to Christian. We just get shut down more and while those that got semi-truth rage and rant, we continue to research or after seeing what we need, move along to other areas. For real Truth Seekers, half awake is still half asleep.
I've been through the Ickes and Tasarions, and the Maxwells. Nothing personal to Michael and Jordan that I've talked with in the past. I get along with them just fine, but they are wrong. I think the only person that I ever put a lot of trust in was Aaron Russo. Aaron and I never discussed religion, so I can't say his views on that, but he was a good friend. It would not be until after Aaron's death that the world would finally give him credit for his knowledge past his movies and topic of the Federal Reserve.
The whole of the thing is that these days you are going to see a shotgun splatter of everything one can imagine. Seldom is any of it going to be a total lie though, deception works better when properly mixed. The whole point though is to keep you distracted from what really matters and the truth.
Recently a new breed has been coming in the scene, a Christian breed. Now I am not going to say that I totally agree with each and every piece of info the believe, but we are so close it ain't funny. Most of them are smarter than I, from what I've seen. Chris White is at the top of the list so far. His work, honesty and humility is refreshing.
Dr Dino is another that I ran across some years back. I had thought at first Russ Dizdar was a bit extreme until I got an email from a friend who puts out a truth investigation site that I have always endorsed since he first founded it. His last email update though had a New Age video, well made, that showed that Dizdar was not over excited and shed new light into what he was saying. I was blown away. Minister Dante seems to focus on "As The Days Of Noah Were", which is excellent reading. Most these days focus on certain parts with specialty, but are also good on the bulk of it.
The biggest thing for you to know, and even though that have no religion or a different religion than mine is that these people are Luciferian by faith. Even those who no beliefs in good and bad will quickly point out that it really doesn't matter who believes what, it's who has the finances to act upon their belief. These people are powerful and have financial support to do what they believe... to the body. If they think they are a superior race, though in truth they aren't, they will and can act and effect your lives. That said, they have only the control over the spirit, your soul, that you will allow them to have. Remember that above all.
In time, I can save you the whole trip around the world, but I can't make you see anything. One has to do that for one's self. Though I view Romans as evil, they were smart. Ask yourself what they did in any investigation, "Who Benefits?". It's really just that simple. Then look for documentation. In my last tip only you will benefit.
One more tip. If it is declared date driven, it isn't. It is event driven as to how things unfold. They do use numbers they associate with their beliefs. So be aware of 3, 6, 9, 11, and multiples of 11. I could go into that a bit more but I'm sure you will Google it.
Now the biggest tip. You can, and I wouldn't have believed this myself years ago, find this whole thing mapped out in the Bible. I'm not talking about the Bible Code either, the actual Bible.Instead of reading through it like a novel, stop and research the names, places, events, and even the interpretations. Personally I the the KJV is more accurate, but I also have the Geneva Bible as well. Or, read it online. Here is a link to a page that has a lot of translations on it. LINK . Rather than just going through the motions by attending and listening but never looking and researching, it will be just another book.
And that's about it. In the end you will have benefited yourself and hopefully as you learn others around you. You will learn who TPTB are, who runs it and I hope most of all, who you are. How this isn't a battle for money nor physical control, but of spiritual control. You are worth more than transcends this world, and you are loved. The deception is that evil, lie, and darkness are not really terms that describes something, but rather the absence of something that is devout. A lie is the absence of truth. Darkness the absence of light. Hate the absence of love. Evil the absence of good. War the absence of peace. Satan really doesn't want you to know that.
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